protect North Byron Parkland

Campaign to protect North Byron Parkland Festival venue:

The Mega Festival’s 5 year trial comes to an end this year, and the owners of the Parklands site are applying for a 20 month extension to that approval. They and the new 51% shareholder of the Splendour and Falls festivals (U.S. festival conglomerate Live Nation), believe they will lose money if they don’t get the extension because of future acts they have booked. What they are really aiming for is permanent approval of these festivals and others at this venue for up to 50,000 patrons. Please find the time to email or send submissions to the NSW Department of Planning  to prevent the extension. (Submissions due by 26 April). Later, we will have a chance to object to the proposed permanent approval. These massive events are destroying the culture and lifestyle of this unique community and also affect the ecology of the high-conservation area.
To object to the 20-month extension, go here:
Even a few words will help as submissions are counted as objecting or in favour,

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