Dear supporters of CSG Free Northern Rivers,
Thank you for all the awesome efforts from so many of you over the summer months at the various actions, blockades and gas field free events that have been going on around the region.
We have copied below the latest national Lock the Gate newsletter which gives updates and news from around the country. There is also information on how to join or renew your membership with the Lock the Gate Alliance plus the opportunity to make a regular monthly donation as a land, water or future defender.
We would like to encourage all of you who are members of local anti-CSG groups across the region to become individual members of the Alliance. By building our numbers we gather much needed campaign funds, strengthen our networking and co-ordination capabilities and increase our ability to influence political processes at a national level. We are up against multinational corporations with enormous power, and it is only by becoming a more cohesive national force that can rapidly reach hundreds of thousands of people when needed we will be really be able to succeed.
By becoming a member of Lock the Gate you are making a valuable contribution to stopping the spread of destructive gas mining across our region and throughout Australia. Please take the time to join today,
Best wishes,
Boudicca Cerese & Ian Gaillard
Co-ordinators- Lock the Gate Northern Rivers