Our world seems to be more content on jobs and economic outcomes than it does on the planet and future sustainability! Please read below.
Roger Graf
The wells have been multiplying like crazy here since Bush gave his gas & oil buddies free reign to drill without obeying existing requirements of our water and air pollution laws. There is a backlash building in some communities here, including where I live, as there is lots of drilling in Colorado. We have an industry-friendly governor who is suing towns that ban fracking, as has happened in the next town over in my county.
It is becoming a bit of a more high profile issue, I think, due to the fight in New York state. Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon formed the group Artists Against Fracking when their upstate farm became threatened by fracking. There is an enormous shale deposit, one of the last untouched ones in the US, which goes through NY and into Pennsylvania, spanning huge tracts of farmland and environmentally sensitive areas. So far, there is a fracking moratorium in place, but Governor Cuomo has not yet ruled it out, as it obviously brings a huge amount of revenue to the state.
Mark Ruffalo, one of my favorite actors, is very involved in Artists Against Fracking and very outspoken about it. Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, Paul McCartney and his NY wife, Natalie Merchant and even Lady Gaga, along with a bunch of other actors and musicians have signed on, which will hopefully bring it more attention.
Recently, Gus Van Sant directed a movie written by and starting Matt Damon and John Krasinski that explored the human side of fracking coming to a small, economically struggling midwestern town. I thought it was very good at showing some differing views without getting into all of the larger pros and cons of the issue. I don’t think Matt Damon has joined with the real life anti-frackers though.
Wow…that’s probably way more info than you wanted! Guess I am in a “chatty” mood. And this whole fracking thing really gets me going. I may have to move if it gets much closer to Boulder. The wind already blows all those toxins this way, I’m sure. Plus, in a state with such water shortages as Colorado, I really can’t see how it can be justified to take such an enormous amount of water out of the natural cycle and divert it from the farms and ranches that feed us. The whole thing is sickeningly preposterous.
OK, I am stepping down off of my soapbox now….