Hi folks,
Barry Longland has filed a motion for the TSC meeting on Thursday to remove the koala gate at Black Rocks. If anyone has influence with TS Councilors now is the time to use it. Phone or email please. This has the  potential to destroy this koala colony, and the wildlife corridor with it. The strip of trees at Black Rocks may be their only refuge after the rest has burned.
We will demonstrate at M’bah on Monday at noon. (TSC Steps) Also meet at 3:30 outside Council chambers and pack the gallery from 4 to 5 PM onThursday 22 nd January. I will speak on behalf of NRG. Hope to CU there.
Sledge Here’s copy of my letter to editors:

With the recent fire over Xmas devastating Pottsville wetlands probably killing some of the remaining koalas in one of the three small colonies of koalas on the coast (i.e. near Black Rocks), our coastal koalas have probably now changed status from endangered to critically endangered.


With the ongoing problem of vandals and off-leash dogs at Black Rocks sports oval, koalas are dying of stress-induced Chlamydia. The local koala population was already living on the edge before the fire, how much more so now?

The proposal for a Mens’ Shed development on the Black Rocks sports oval, which would contain flammable chemicals at risk of vandals attack, it’s probably only a matter of time before there is another fire which wipes out one the last remaining koalas habitats on our coast. The wildlife corridor there is important for our regional ecology. The Men’s Shed has other location options which are more convenient and less environmentally damaging.


What is Council doing to protect koala habitat? I applaud the recent draft Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management: Council announced a plan to build more corridors and plant more trees. The important core population of koalas at Black Rocks was already covered by its own Management Plan:  A koala protection fence with special gate was installed some time ago to separate koala habitat from dogs. Now it seems that the gate is to be removed or left open as a convenience. There is rarely any need to open the 300m access track to cars as walkers have another smaller gate next to it.
Council needs to get serious about the Black Rocks koala population and keep the gate closed except when an event is scheduled there. Three ecologists have recommended the sports field be planted out with koala food trees. Perhaps the public needs to contact Clr Barry Longland as the one councillor who often holds the balance of power. He sometimes votes with the pro-environment councillors, and sometimes votes with the pro-development councillors. His record to date indicates he may not vote to protect koalas at Black Rocks.


For those who care about koalas and wildlife corridors it’s now time to write to him asking him to please put up a motion to protect  koalas at Black Rocks and revegetate the sports oval. If Clr Longland fails to do this then the people of Tweed Shire may lose the coastal koalas. The koala habitat ( and wildlife corridors) should not be sacrificed for future developments: people have already altered most of the land along the coast and can leave a little for other animals. When the koalas are gone we will be sorry.



Scott Sledge

Northern Rivers Guardians

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