metgasco vs. govt. court case so far:
the court heard that rosella selected as a good test of the ripley road structure in the greater mackeller structure.
hendo agrees it was the first significant step along the road to a gasfield.
could lead to a significant number of wells around bentley.
hendo doesnt recall mentioning 1000 wells in bentley area.
hendo. said he was very open with the community about the number of potential wells.
28th may 1.23pm Hendo doesnt remember interview with abc north coast where he said 1000 wells..
after showing him radio interview he now agrees he did say 1000 wells around bentley.
responding to emai from andy parks, northen star. “i have been reluctant to quote the numbers of wells” but i recall saying 1000.
hendo encouraged jock laury to hold commu ity consultation in the NR. doesnt know who employs jock.
didnt know the oscg ms connel worked for oscsg.
emai to jock from hendo: we need to drill soon, we’d like you to be leading the solution, assist me in dealing with the protests. hold a series of meetings.
Govt. says on 14 may there were over over 1000 protestors. hendo says no.
but discussion with senior police. agrees they need assistance to get rig on, and not necesarly need to keep rig onsite. Hendo: “we’d put everything we need onsite.”
police were cpncerned there would be 2000 protestors. hendo: “police never confirmed that to me.”
police told hendo 700 police required. hendo agrees.
Hendo says only2 or 300 people involved in protest – hendo (but agree police say they need 700 police)
Govt. produced documents which show OSCG expressed conerns that large numbers of police needed to get rig in and tied that to concerns metgasco failed in comm consult. Hendo agrees.
oscsg expressed a need on 15 may draft for metgasco to draft a consultation plan. hendo agrees.
metgasco in 6th june proposal, metgasco did not provide a consultation plan, and have not done so to date.
minutes of metgasco meeting of 2000 people at bentley. but hendo says due to nature of protestors police would need 700 to ensure safety of metgasco staff.