The NR Gasfield Free declaration 1st November 2014
What a great day! The march in Lismore today was a happy, huge success and NRG was well represented. Thanks to all who took part in the LTG Alliance regional march and rally to declare the Northern Rivers Gasfield Free.
We are tired of waiting for the politicians to truly represent the more than 90% of NR residents who have declared their roads and villages to be Gasfield Free . So we declared it ourselves. Well done everyone ! The people have spoken.
Estimates of crowd numbers vary from 5,000 to 10,000. I tend to support the higher figure as there was obviously more people marching than when we did it 2 years ago and that was said to have been 7,000. We also had the rare experience of the head of the march meeting the tail as we circled back on the route around the CBD: this didn’t occur in 2012 over the same route. In ant case, the gas ghouls could never match this, even if they offered us money to march.
Significantly, shopkeepers and onlookers gave visible support to the cause, especially when we chanted ” Thomas George has got to go.” Seems the Lismore electorate is looking shaky for the Coalition : Premier Mike Baird showed up the day before to be seen with our local MP (I can’t bring myself to say “representative” when referring to T. George.)
NRG had a good info stall and signed up several new members, who will need to be confirmed at our next General Meeting, planned for 3 PM ahead of our AGM at 5 PM on Saturday 29th November . Mur’bah Community Centre. Bring food to share for a pot luck dinner at 6 PM followed by dancing.
Thanks for supporting the Northern Rivers Guardians. I am proud to be President.
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